With the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19, Doster Construction Company is closely monitoring new developments regarding the outbreak. This is to ensure the safety of our clients, employees, families, and communities while continuing to meet the needs of our client and projects. The health and safety of everyone is our top priority.
Currently our offices remain fully operational, with team members in all locations and jobsites working in accordance with the department of health recommendations and CDC guidelines. We have suspended travel for all employees and are utilizing virtual meetings and remote working environments. We have the technology in place to continue to provide quality service while doing our part in flattening the curve.
Our hearts go out to everyone affected, and we will continue to operate in the best interest of our employees, families, clients, and communities. We are in this together and have linked some helpful information below regarding the current situation.
Recommendations for Jobsites from CompTrust AGC: https://mcusercontent.com/9f7deabed87438058e13301de/files/0d6b578f-b770-4102-9cac-3af89ea664d7/CompTrustAGC.01.pdf
COVID-19 Toolbox Talk http://www.abc-alabama.org/Portals/92/COVID-19%20in%20Construction%20Workplace%20-%20Toolbox%20Talk.pdf
How to Protect Yourself: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/prevention.html
What To Do If You Are Sick: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/steps-when-sick.html
Industry members, consider taking this AGC Alabama survey regarding Coronavirus COVID-19: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/chaptercoronavirus